Professor Aisling McMahon (Principal Investigator, PatentsInHumans project) is awarded Irish Research Council Early Career Researcher of the Year Award

by | Jan 29, 2024 | News

In November 2023, Professor Aisling McMahon (Principal Investigator, PatentsInHumans) was awarded the prestigious national Irish Research Council (IRC) Early Career Researcher of the Year award in recognition of her research achievements. This award is presented annually by the IRC to a current or former IRC awardee within eight years of their PhD who has demonstrated an exceptional level of research achievement.

Based on her research contributions, Professor McMahon is regularly invited to speak at national and international academic and policy events on health law and intellectual property law issues. Her work has been cited by a range of national and international policy and governmental organisations, and she regularly publishes in the leading international peer reviewed journals in her fields.

You can also watch a video interview with Professor McMahon on this IRC award where she talks about her broader research in the health law and intellectual property law fields, including the PatentsInHumans project, here: and you can read more about her research here.


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